Liebster Awards – broadening the blogging community



My blog has been nominated for the Liebster Award by

WOW!  I am floored. Thank you so much! I really never expected many people to read my blog except for a few friends. It tickles me pink to know that other people out there in blog land actually like the sleep-deprived baby-centric stuff that I’m putting out there.

The Liebster Award is a blogger award given by bloggers to bloggers in order to broaden the blogging community. If you are nominated for the Liebster Award, you have a few rules to follow:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you
3. Nominate 11 other blogs with less than 500 followers
4. Post 11 questions for your nominees to answer
5.Tag your nominees & post a comment on their blog to let them know you nominated them
First of all, here are the questions I was given, and my answers:

1. Why did you start blogging?

I originally started blogging years ago on LiveJournal as an extremely self-obsessed young twenty-something. It was a way to keep in touch with friends during the week and also read about some extraordinary people with extraordinary lives.

These days it’s much the same. Whilst the old LJ blog is long since abandoned, I started blogging on WordPress as a way to keep the memories of being pregnant and what was to follow somewhere safe and accessible. I really just started it as an online jornal, maybe thinking a few friends or family might stop by every now and again. As I started reading other blogs (mainly on motherhood or impending motherhood) I started forming bonds with these bloggers. Suddenly I couldn’t wait for the next updates from some of my favourites, and I started to feel invested in their lives, their relationships, their children, their hardships and their joys.

2. Who inspires you the most and why?

It’s going to sound pretty naff, but probably my Husband. Every morning I wake up next to him and feel eternally grateful that he came into my life, and after years of being friends we finally got it together to take it to the next level (some 10+ years ago now).  He’s an incredibly hard worker, he’s an amazing father, he truly GETS me and is the one person on this earth that I can be 100% myself around.  We share the same sense of humour and most of the same values. He’s ALWAYS got my back. Everybody needs someone like that in their lives, don’t they? He makes me want to be the best damn person I can be.

3. What is your favourite way to spend “me” time?

Reading, surfing the internet, just relaxing.  I am a big “internet surfer”, I’m always just googling things that interest me.

4. List three things from your bucket list!

Skydive, visit Machu Piccu, drive in a demolition derby (this one is actually happening next year!)

5. What is your favorite recipe/meal?

Sooooooo hard to choose, I’m a total foodie!  I think I’ll have to say my Dad’s tandoori chicken. It rocks having a chef for a Dad, and he taught me to make this quite a few years ago. It’s definitely a go-to favourite meal.

At the moment I am obsessed with home-made muesli bars though, I don’t think I will ever buy them from the store again. I posted the recipe on my blog here.

6. What is your favorite quote?

“Come to the edge

It’s too high

Come to the edge

I might fall

Come to the edge

So she came, and he pushed her… and she flew”

I have no idea where this quote came from, I’ve always loved it from childhood.

7. If you could spend a year anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Ooooh tough. Either Scotland, where my Mum is from, or Hawaii.

8. What is your favourite thing about being a Mom?

It’s hard to put into words, or specify just one thing, really. I suppose just that overwhelming feeling that you not only created something so amazing and brilliant, but that you are that little being’s go-to person for the rest of your life. I am her first love, I am her rock, I am the one who will always be there for her no matter what happens. It puts everything into a perspective that you never knew existed until you become a parent. I feel overwhelmed every single day just being this little girl’s whole world. It’s incredible.

9. What is your favourite movie?

I can’t specify just one. I’ve tried before, and failed. My top five, which I love equally, are:

Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, Zoolander, Go! and Interview With The Vampire.

THAT WAS HARD!  There are so many more I love!  I need to write a few more here, you can’t make me choose!

Labyrinth, Aliens, The Shawshank Redemption, Talladega Nights, Gone in 60 Seconds, Ginger Snaps, Preaching To The Perverted, Event Horizon, Razor Blade Smile, The Crow …

OK, I think I’m done now.

10. If you were a politician, what is the first thing you would change in the world or your country?

Funding. Basically, the taxpayers money and how it is used. In Australia our current government has cut funding to education, health, the environment, state infrastructure, everything that actually matters. If I were in charge (pipe dream!) I’d review wages and entitlements for all members of parliament and make them reasonable. I’d stop things like MP’s getting a new car every year and other things and put the money into things that matter. They’d hate me. To me, health, education and the environment are the most important things.

11. What is your favourite beauty product?

Palmer’s Stretch Mark Cream. I still use it every day, pretty much the only beauty product I do use every day.

OK, now for my nominees:

I Am A Honey Bee

Positively Panicked … And Pregnant

The Gilbertson Family

Thought and Musing

Broke Wife, Big City

Little Miss Prepared



Darth Pudding



And your questions, should you choose to accept them, are:

1. What are your favourite lyrics from a song?

2. Do you have any pets? If so, what are their names, and tell me something about them.

3. If you were to be stranded on a deserted island indefinitely, what three things from home would you want to have with you?

4. What is your favourite item of clothing, and why?

5. If you had an afternoon free, would you choose to a) make something b) read/watch movies and relax c) go out and socialise?

6. What is your favourite alcoholic drink?

7. When was the last time you cried? (Feel free to tell me about it if you wish)

8. What is your favourite perfume / cologne?

9. Where is your ultimate travel destination?

10. What is one memory you have from your childhood?

11. I’m about to have lunch, what should I have in my sandwich?

I just have to say, it was really hard to choose 11 blogs to do this for, and a few of my favourites had way more than 500 followers so weren’t eligible, but I just wanted to link them here and recommend that you go check them out, because blogtastic:

The Adventures of Fanny P.

The Red Tent

Awesomely Unprepared

3 thoughts on “Liebster Awards – broadening the blogging community

  1. Aww I clicked ‘like’ before I even saw my blog named at the bottom of the post 🙂 Thanks! So sweet of you. I love stopping by here and I get all excited when i see you’ve written something new! x

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