Four Months Plus

As always, I’m late with this post. Holly is now actually 4 and a half months old. But, you know, life.


I’m really enjoying being a Stay At Home Mum. I’m feeling like I’ve got a bit of balance going on, finally. I’m doing 2-3 days a week work at my husband’s business, Holly just comes along and hangs out. If she’s having a grumpy day I just take her home and go in another time. Getting through the backlog that piled up when I took a few months off after she was born. It’s a lot less stressful now that I’m actually getting things done there again.

We’re off on our first travel adventure at the end of the month. We’re going to see my Dad and Stepmum in Tasmania, then Mr M’s parents in Brisbane, before heading home to the west coast. We’re really looking forward to seeing family, as well as going to the V8 Supercar race in Tassie that weekend, but we’re also kind of kicking ourselves in advance – because of the fact that this is 5 plane flights in just over one week. With a 5 month old. Holly is a chill baby, there’s no denying it, but she’s *just* starting to get some teething pain happening so can be a bit hard to console sometimes. I’m actually TERRIFIED of being the parent of the screaming baby on the plane, so I’m hoping beyond all hope that things go OK. My entire carry-on luggage will basically be stuffed full of things to keep her occupied, happy and pain-free. Wish me luck, because I’m going to need it!!!


Apart from the teething though, Holly is doing really well. Happy and healthy. Very smiley and giggly. Developing good motor skills. LOVES her playmat, can spend ages on there batting, grabbing and kicking all of the little toys hanging from it. Her favourite things are her dummy, geometric rattle ball, colourful elephant teething toy, and a bright yellow “thing” that we call Ducky. She loves the bath and the pool. She’s grown too big for her baby bath now so we have to bathe her in the big bath. She loves our morning walks, and talking/squealing/gurgling, and the newest discovery, blowing spit raspberries. She also loves being held upside down, and is infatuated with her Dad.

She hates immunisation needles, dirty nappies, and rolling over but getting her arm trapped underneath her. And throwing up on her own face.

We’re eager for her to be able to sit up unaided, but she’s still working on that. She can sit holding onto my fingers though, and can stand just holding my hands, until she unlocks her knees and tumbles down. The next month and a half will be full of firsts.

Life is good. I adore my baby girl. I adore my husband. I adore my life. I am so thankful for my situation and to have choices available to me that allow me to live the life that I choose.


3 thoughts on “Four Months Plus

  1. Good luck with the travel! I know that it can be nervwrecking not wanting to be that parent with the screaming baby! I’m loving your blog so I’ve nominated you for a Liebster Award! See my blog for award details. Keep blogging!

  2. Hope all goes well with your travel! šŸ™‚ We attempted an 8 hour car trip when Jacob was about 4 months, but have yet to travel by plane. Best to have something for her to suck on to reduce ear pain….

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