#WIDRN What I’m Doing Right Now

Kez over at Awesomely Unprepared laid down the challenge last week to blog mindfully, “taking stock” she called it. To muse upon these following subjects, and see what comes up. I thought I’d give it a whirl, and it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I was struggling with a topic to write about this week. *Ahem* absolutely nothing.


Making : Dinners. We’re week 9 into our epic kitchen renovation, and cooking is getting almost impossible. So whenever I get the chance (usually when Miss H is taking her afternoon nap) I’ve been pre-preparing meals as much as possible, to save hassle later in the day or evening. I generally prepare her lunch so it’s ready to go when she wakes up, and try and do 1-2 nights worth of dinner prep as well. Today I made fettuccini carbonara, and froze a heap of single serving portions for later in the week. Yesterday is was spaghetti bolognese. Yes, we eat pasta a LOT right now. Eh, it’s fairly easy, and better than take-away. I’m really thankful for my addiction to IKEA food storage containers, I have so many left to fill (and two freezers so always enough room).


Cooking : As above. Lots of pasta. I also have a new lunch wrap combination that I’m a little obsessed with right now.

Wrap – baby spinach – tuna – finely sliced red onion – spoonful of potato salad – cracked black pepper. That, my friends, is the lunch of champions, and keeps me full for hours.


Drinking : Water. Lots of water. I have to pee eleventy billion times a day. Also coffee. And the odd Bomba energy drink. Because adult.



Reading:  Nothing at the moment. I’m about to choose a new book to start from my big pile of unreads (plus those sitting on my Kindle waiting for me too) but have not had the time to choose nor start anything yet. The closest I get to reading at the  moment is the odd peruse of Creepypasta whilst I’m waiting for H to fall asleep at night.

The last book I read was an Icelandic thriller by Arnaldur Indridason called Silence Of The Grave, which was pretty cool. I think I’ll read more of Indridason’s stuff, especially more of the Inspector Erlendur tales.


Wanting:  A holiday. We’re spending a weekend in Mandurah with family next month. That’ll have to do until Christmas.


Looking: Older than I am. Exhaustion bites, yo. The struggle is real!


Playing: True Murder true crime podcast. It’s a series of interviews with true crime writers about the crimes that they have written about. The production values leave a lot to be desired (like, A LOT) but it’s still pretty interesting, I’m getting a kick out of it.


Deciding: To buy my bloody plane tickets to Tasmania for Christmas. I keep procrastinating over it, even though I know the longer I leave it the more expensive the flights will be. My Dad has just bought a beach house so it’ll be a really great family getaway. Just have to buy those tickets. I’m not good at spending money. Spending hundreds of dollars on anything freaks me out. I know, I’m weird. Just have to do it. Next week, maybe.


Wishing: For an important and very cool personal business venture to come to fruition. I wish I could say more than that, but nothing is set in stone yet, so we’ll see.


Enjoying: The beautiful pre-Spring weather happening in Perth right now. I just went outside, and the air was WARM!  Like, yesssss!!!  Can’t wait for Spring!  Its been so nice not having to rug up like a crazy person when going to the playground. Some of the kids there today even had t-shirts and bare feet!  H seemed positively overdressed. The anticipation for the next 6 months, weather-wise, is strong within me. I am so looking forward to properly introducing H to the beach this Summer.


Waiting: For H to wake up from her nap. She’s got a cold so has been pretty worn out today. I’m now approaching that timeframe where I’ll have to wake her so she doesn’t sleep too late, and I really don’t want to do that, because she looks so peaceful.


Liking: My evenings with my husband. We put H to bed and wait until she is asleep. Then lately we’ve been pouring a rum, having a cupcake and watching an episode or two of Vikings. Best evenings!


Wondering: What the future holds for my little family. We’re on the cusp of some really exciting and great things happening over the next 12 months, I just have my everything crossed that it all works out.


Loving: My husband. I knooooow, mushy smushy HASHTAG#getaroom. But seriously folks, he’s my best mate and I don’t know what I would do without him. He even lets me fishtail braid his ridiculous metal hair when I’m bored. That’s a keeper.



Pondering: Life, the Universe, and everything. #42


Considering: Trying to, for once in my life, get all of my Christmas gifties purchased early  to avoid the last-minute head-splodey rush of panic. Every year I swear to myself that I’ll get it done nice and early, then every year I get busy or lazy or both and never do it until the 11th hour. With only 118 days until Christmas, I should really get a move on. This year, I’ll do it. I WILL.


Buying: Not much. Trying to conserve my pennies right now. I did buy H a foam fold-out chair thingy from KMart yesterday, but that’s about all the spending I’ll be doing for a while. I felt bad for her feeling poorly and not having anywhere of her own space to lie down in the lounge. Plus, it was cute, and I’ve been meaning to buy her one for months, so I managed to justify the expense this week.

Source: KMart 


Watching: Vikings. That’s the only thing that really has my attention right now.



Hoping: To win lotto so we can buy the amazing $780,000 workshop we just saw in Belmont. Ahhhhhh, that’d be the dream come true. I guess you have to start buying lotto tickets before you can expect to win though. Mental Note: Buy lotto tickets.

Marvelling: At internet trolls. Seriously, who has that much time plus that much hatred in their veins? I try to understand it, but I really can’t. Facebook groups are the worst. Step away from the comments.



Cringing: I just bought a new pair of Spring lounging pants from eBay. They are delightfully daggy. But soooooo comfortable.


Needing: Food. And sleep. And a nice long hot bath in silence.


Questioning: Everything! All the time!  I’m that annoying guy who is always questioning things. Critrical thinking, it can get under your skin sometimes but other times it’s well worth trying to see things from a different point of view.


Smelling: Diff oil. Just the faintest odour of it. My husband is a mechanic, so that smell just seems to permeate our entire existence.On a side note, if anyone has any great products they want to recommend for getting oild / grease / mechanic-y goop out of clothing, I’d be forever thankful.


Wearing: Pinstripe trousers, black shirt, black granny cardigan with bright green buttons. My usual “uniform” of sorts.


Following: Some fantastic Mum blogs. Awesomely Unprepared, as I mentioned before. The Red Tent. And Chick Writes Stuff. Love them all.


Noticing:  That it is getting light earlier in the morning now. Winter is almost over. *celebrates*


Knowing: Stuff about things. My brain good. Derp.


Thinking: About how I can organise my days at home better. I have a pretty good routine but I feel like I could and should be getting more done. I guess having half the house in a semi-renovated state is making things a little more difficult. Still, there’s always room for improvement.


Admiring:  Beautiful women. Katheryn Winnick who plays Largertha in Vikings is definitely on my radar at the moment.

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30sixty Advertising

Sorting: Paperwork. I have a heap of filing that is about a month old. I’ve been procrastinating about it all week.


Getting: Itchy feet. Really want to do some travelling with my little family. It’s been far too long since we got away from home for a while. My latest travel obsessions are cruises (don’t know if I’d ever go on one, but they seem to be pretty cost effective, and great for families with small kids) and Italy, I think exploring Italy with a little bambino would be fabulous! Of course, with travel I’m pretty much a “window shopper” – with owning and running a business, owing a pet and with the realities of life with a little one, we rarely have the money or time to travel like I would in an ideal world (ummm, so hellooooo lotto win, that’d be great now kthx). I still like to internet window shop though, and dream of the time when these travel aspirations might come to fruition.



Bookmarking: Sewing tutorials and recipes. When my kitchen is done I’ll be able to cook again, and I’ll also have my sewing space back. Then I will do ALL of the Domestic Goddess things. #drinkthecoffee #dothethings


Coveting: These cage solar lights from KMart for my porch. They never have them at my local store, I think I’m going to have to travel to buy these babies when I can afford to part with the cash.These things seems to sell out quickly (and at $15 for a string of 10 solar lights, who can be surprised!?) so fingers crossed I manage to find some.



Disliking: Being so tired. Between running around after a highly energentic toddler, plus always seeming to be low on iron and Vitamin D (I take supplements but that only seems to help somewhat) despite trying to eat iron rich foods and get out in the sunshine every day, it wears me down, man!  Every night I’m so exhausted. I hope that one day I can find a better balance.


Opening: My mouth. It always gets me into trouble. Damn my opinions.


Giggling:  When my kid snores loudly or sleeps in a ridiculous position. Lights up my life when she does that.


Feeling:  Mainly happy and content. My life seems to revolve around three main emotion points: happy / content – tired – stressed / angry. But for the most part, I’m very happy and positive about the future. I’m really lucky to be able to live the life that I do, despite the challenges.


Snacking:  Coles Cheese Toobs. My downfall. SO UNHEALTHY!  Yet so cheap, and so naughty.


Helping:  HA! When am I not helping? Helping little feet step into pant legs. Helping little fingers to spread paint. Helping a little mouth to form words and sounds. Helping my cat to achieve greatness with second breakfast and cuddle jail. Helping my husband in our renovation. Helping myself to the last cupcake. I’m all about the helping.


Hearing: Some rad music. I blog about it on my Music Monday posts. Look back in the blog to see what I’ve already shared, or wait for another couple of days until the next MM post is published.



And that’s it for me and my life right now. Feel free to comment me letting me know what you’re up to, or post these topics on your own blog and tell the world!


Happy Blogging!

Liebster Awards – broadening the blogging community



My blog has been nominated for the Liebster Award by MrsCarter.se

WOW!  I am floored. Thank you so much! I really never expected many people to read my blog except for a few friends. It tickles me pink to know that other people out there in blog land actually like the sleep-deprived baby-centric stuff that I’m putting out there.

The Liebster Award is a blogger award given by bloggers to bloggers in order to broaden the blogging community. If you are nominated for the Liebster Award, you have a few rules to follow:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you
3. Nominate 11 other blogs with less than 500 followers
4. Post 11 questions for your nominees to answer
5.Tag your nominees & post a comment on their blog to let them know you nominated them
First of all, here are the questions I was given, and my answers:

1. Why did you start blogging?

I originally started blogging years ago on LiveJournal as an extremely self-obsessed young twenty-something. It was a way to keep in touch with friends during the week and also read about some extraordinary people with extraordinary lives.

These days it’s much the same. Whilst the old LJ blog is long since abandoned, I started blogging on WordPress as a way to keep the memories of being pregnant and what was to follow somewhere safe and accessible. I really just started it as an online jornal, maybe thinking a few friends or family might stop by every now and again. As I started reading other blogs (mainly on motherhood or impending motherhood) I started forming bonds with these bloggers. Suddenly I couldn’t wait for the next updates from some of my favourites, and I started to feel invested in their lives, their relationships, their children, their hardships and their joys.

2. Who inspires you the most and why?

It’s going to sound pretty naff, but probably my Husband. Every morning I wake up next to him and feel eternally grateful that he came into my life, and after years of being friends we finally got it together to take it to the next level (some 10+ years ago now).  He’s an incredibly hard worker, he’s an amazing father, he truly GETS me and is the one person on this earth that I can be 100% myself around.  We share the same sense of humour and most of the same values. He’s ALWAYS got my back. Everybody needs someone like that in their lives, don’t they? He makes me want to be the best damn person I can be.

3. What is your favourite way to spend “me” time?

Reading, surfing the internet, just relaxing.  I am a big “internet surfer”, I’m always just googling things that interest me.

4. List three things from your bucket list!

Skydive, visit Machu Piccu, drive in a demolition derby (this one is actually happening next year!)

5. What is your favorite recipe/meal?

Sooooooo hard to choose, I’m a total foodie!  I think I’ll have to say my Dad’s tandoori chicken. It rocks having a chef for a Dad, and he taught me to make this quite a few years ago. It’s definitely a go-to favourite meal.

At the moment I am obsessed with home-made muesli bars though, I don’t think I will ever buy them from the store again. I posted the recipe on my blog here.

6. What is your favorite quote?

“Come to the edge

It’s too high

Come to the edge

I might fall

Come to the edge

So she came, and he pushed her… and she flew”

I have no idea where this quote came from, I’ve always loved it from childhood.

7. If you could spend a year anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Ooooh tough. Either Scotland, where my Mum is from, or Hawaii.

8. What is your favourite thing about being a Mom?

It’s hard to put into words, or specify just one thing, really. I suppose just that overwhelming feeling that you not only created something so amazing and brilliant, but that you are that little being’s go-to person for the rest of your life. I am her first love, I am her rock, I am the one who will always be there for her no matter what happens. It puts everything into a perspective that you never knew existed until you become a parent. I feel overwhelmed every single day just being this little girl’s whole world. It’s incredible.

9. What is your favourite movie?

I can’t specify just one. I’ve tried before, and failed. My top five, which I love equally, are:

Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, Zoolander, Go! and Interview With The Vampire.

THAT WAS HARD!  There are so many more I love!  I need to write a few more here, you can’t make me choose!

Labyrinth, Aliens, The Shawshank Redemption, Talladega Nights, Gone in 60 Seconds, Ginger Snaps, Preaching To The Perverted, Event Horizon, Razor Blade Smile, The Crow …

OK, I think I’m done now.

10. If you were a politician, what is the first thing you would change in the world or your country?

Funding. Basically, the taxpayers money and how it is used. In Australia our current government has cut funding to education, health, the environment, state infrastructure, everything that actually matters. If I were in charge (pipe dream!) I’d review wages and entitlements for all members of parliament and make them reasonable. I’d stop things like MP’s getting a new car every year and other things and put the money into things that matter. They’d hate me. To me, health, education and the environment are the most important things.

11. What is your favourite beauty product?

Palmer’s Stretch Mark Cream. I still use it every day, pretty much the only beauty product I do use every day.

OK, now for my nominees:

I Am A Honey Bee

Positively Panicked … And Pregnant

The Gilbertson Family

Thought and Musing

Broke Wife, Big City

Little Miss Prepared



Darth Pudding



And your questions, should you choose to accept them, are:

1. What are your favourite lyrics from a song?

2. Do you have any pets? If so, what are their names, and tell me something about them.

3. If you were to be stranded on a deserted island indefinitely, what three things from home would you want to have with you?

4. What is your favourite item of clothing, and why?

5. If you had an afternoon free, would you choose to a) make something b) read/watch movies and relax c) go out and socialise?

6. What is your favourite alcoholic drink?

7. When was the last time you cried? (Feel free to tell me about it if you wish)

8. What is your favourite perfume / cologne?

9. Where is your ultimate travel destination?

10. What is one memory you have from your childhood?

11. I’m about to have lunch, what should I have in my sandwich?

I just have to say, it was really hard to choose 11 blogs to do this for, and a few of my favourites had way more than 500 followers so weren’t eligible, but I just wanted to link them here and recommend that you go check them out, because blogtastic:

The Adventures of Fanny P.

The Red Tent

Awesomely Unprepared