Music Monday [7] – Belly Laughs

I’m back with avengeance from a little blog hiatus, so I thought I’d kick things off this week with a Music Monday all about hilarious songs designed to make you giggle. Whilst music is a serious and beautiful thing, sometimes a silly song is just what you need to get a smile cracking on your face and set you up for a great day.

First up today I’m giving you a song I first heard on Welcome to Night Vale (surprise surprise). From memory this one was on the very first episode, and it was one of the things that really made me want to keep listening to the podcast. Satellite High (aka Jay Satelite) makes really fun music, and you can listen to more of his stuff over at his Bandcamp page. As somebody who spent the greater part of my working life catching public transport to and from work in peak hour, this song speaks to me in all of the ways. Sweet little social commentary on the mundanity of public transport, and hey, catchy as fuck to boot.

Now there’s other people waiting at the bus stop / Hey, where’s your bus pass, boy?
When you’re waiting for the bus in the rain have your bus pass ready or the people on the bus get annoyed…

Keeping on the transport-related theme for a moment, here’s one that you may have heard doing the rounds on the radio lately. Now, if you don’t know who Macklemore & Ryan Lewis are, you’ve probably been living under a rock for the last 5 years or so. If this is the case 1) Move out from under the rock man, maybe to a nice apartment or something, and 2) get on your computermatron or digital music devicey thingy and look that shit up. This is one of those songs that I almost wish I hated, but then I don’t because I freaking love it. Seriously, sometimes a little light heartedness goes a long way in music. Downtown is not only a “moped anthem”, it’s a very special bit of fun, and it takes less than a minute to get stuck in your head all day.  The song actually took a long time to get ready for release, with the artists spending quite a while wondering if it was ever going to work. I for one am pretty pleased that they persevered, because this is on high rotation in my home and car right now.

I went to the moped store, said “Fuck it”
Salesman’s like “What up, what’s your budget?”
And I’m like “Honestly, I don’t know nothing about mopeds”
He said “I got the one for you, follow me”…

Now let’s go back in time, to an age where life was simpler, and rock & roll was king. Whilst all of the songs by legends in their own luncboxes Spinal Tap were written to be fun (but then again not, but then yes, but then … ahhhh you know what I’m getting at) this is the one that I’m never ashamed to be seen rocking out to in my car. There’s something extremely satisfying about singing these lyrics at thye top of your voice with gusto, and since I’m one of these girls myself, I appreciate the love.

Big bottom, big bottom / Talk about bum cakes, my girl’s got ’em
Big bottom drive me out of my mind / How could I leave this behind?

Whilst we’re on the subject of hirlarious parody glam metal acts, I’ll round off this week’s post with another one of my absolute favourites. Steel Panther, if you’ve not come across these guys yet and you are into stuff like Spinal Tap, then by all means go and feast your ears on some tasty shit. The best part is that Steel Panther still tour regularly, and they put on quite a show, so I’d highly recommend getting along to see them if they ever tour to your area. This sweet ditty is just so damn romantic, I can’t even tell you. Honestly, guys, play this for your girlfirend, boyfriend, wife or husband, and I promise that they will be yours forever. Or slap you across the face. Hey, I can’t be held responsible for that!

‘Cause my heart belongs to you / My love is pure and true
My heart belongs to you / But my dong is community property…

And that’s all for this week. I hope I’ve given you a few belly laughs along the way, or maybe introduced you to a new song or two.

Tell me, what is your absolute favourite hilarious songs?

Happy Listening!